Summer 2013 Recap
Wow, wow, wow! What a year! Because of excess rainfall and numerous overcast days, normal summer water and air temperatures were held at bay. This was the first summer since I have been doing this job that pleasant weather continued into September. There were definitely some hot days here and there, but that's a stark contrast to typical summer weather in South Alabama. Consistent was the word for the year.
With consistent weather, comes consistent fishing. I do not recall another year that fish stayed in so many places for such long periods of time. There are many factors and variables that control when and where fish are going to be. To an extent, fish are predictable in that they will instinctively do the same things and be in the same places as the ones who came before them. Although I can make certain determinations and predictions about their future behavior based on my observations of their past behavior, it is NOT an exact science. That's what I love about it. The more time I spend studying, the more experience I accumulate, and the more I learn, it seems there is always more. Wind direction and speed(a) plus water temperature(b) plus tide phase(c) plus moon phase(d) plus salinity and water visibility(e) does not always equal
This year was the closest to algebra I can remember. When it all lined up, it was magical. Thankfully, it all lined up A LOT. The last couple of years were very inconsistent and we were due for a good one. It was as good as it gets 90% of the time this year. One of my guide friends that I look up to and have a lot of respect for likes to say, "Confidence level means a lot", and that phrase took on a new meaning for me this year. Although I do have confidence in my ability to find hungry fish, it was so easy for me this year, I was able to focus more on other aspects of my job. Waking up every morning without a doubt about the day ahead and with a good weather forecast really makes for a great day at work. There's no doubt challenging fishing days and weather will happen in the future, but 2013 taught me an important lesson - It's gonna be what it's gonna be and no amount of fret or complaining is going to change what the weather or fish are going to do.